
Circular Economy for Polypropylene (CE4PP)

Polypropylene (PP) is one of the most important types of plastic used today. Unfortunately, it has not yet been possible to establish a closed cycle for PP food packaging. However, the latest investigations by realcycle GmbH (formerly REDILO GmbH) and the Plastics Training and Technology Center KATZ show promising results with regard to the technical possibilities. Clear requirements for a future collection and recycling system can be derived from this.

Packaging manufacturers (Greiner Packaging AG, SwissPrimePack AG), distributors (Nestlé Suisse AG, Emmi Schweiz AG, Migros Industrie) and recyclers were involved in the project. Together, the aspects of circularity were examined more closely in this implementation-oriented project. The influences of a mixture of different PP packaging as well as contaminated packaging on the regranulate and its properties were investigated. This resulted in important findings that are needed for a future closed-loop system.

Report in KunststoffXtra

An article in KunststoffXtra magazine summarizes the results of our projects in the field of polypropylene up to 2022. Click here for the article



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