Evaluation of the recyclability of plastic packaging according to RecyClass(TM) criteria
Emmi AG is one of the leading Swiss companies for high-quality dairy products. As part of the Swiss Resource Efficiency Network (Reffnet.ch), we advised Emmi in the areas of packaging design and circular economy and supported them in finding a sustainable strategy for packaging films for cheese, so-called tubular bag films. For this purpose, tubular bag films made of two different material blends were examined and compared with each other in order to [...]
Life cycle assessment and evaluation of the recyclability of food packaging
As part of her Bachelor's thesis in Environmental Engineering at the ZHAW, Lea Schneider is working on the recyclability and life cycle assessment of food packaging. Problem definition The substitution of plastic packaging with paper, cardboard or other fiber packaging (fiber-based packaging) is a trend in the food sector. Packaging should be recyclable, as resource-efficient and environmentally friendly as possible while at the same time protecting the contents. The idea is [...]
Project realCYCLE
Whether we like it or not, plastic packaging has become an integral part of our everyday lives. But the enormous consumption gobbles up raw materials and energy - and leaves behind huge mountains of waste. The realCYCLE project wants to change that. Made possible by the Migros Pioneer Fund, it aims to understand and align the entire value chain of plastic packaging as a cycle. The prerequisite for a [...]
Design for Recycling Plastics
Most of the plastic packaging in circulation today cannot be recycled or can only be recycled at great expense. Under constant observation and consideration of corresponding activities in the European area, harmonized guidelines for an environmentally compatible development and manufacture of plastic products and packaging (design for recycling) are being developed and discussed. The aim is to ensure that plastics are of high quality and minimized [...]
Guide to the choice of materials for packaging of fresh convenience products
Initial situation Packaging fulfills a variety of functions. It not only protects food from spoilage and environmental influences, but also enables it to be distributed from the producer to the consumer. In addition, their ease of handling facilitates self-service at the point of sale. Packaging also serves as a carrier of legal and consumer-relevant information. At the same time, packaging has a negative impact on the environment both [...]
Reffnet case analysis of the ecological optimization potential of plastic cans
Oswald Nahrungsmittel GmbH is a company that sells seasoning mixes, bouillons and sauces, as well as dessert ingredients and coffee. Typical for Oswald is the packaging in the form of plastic cans. As part of Reffnet's consulting services, we worked with Carbotech AG to examine the packaging for its ecological optimization potential. It was important that the packaging [...]
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